
There are details out wedding cards that get lost on us. For most of us, what we pay attention to are the parties involved and the dates. Few notice the colors and designs. Fewer still pay attention to the words used and how they are placed. What we do not realize is that there is a right and wrong way to write out wedding invitations. Let’s shed some light on this. Basic Flow The wedding invitation starts with the couple hosting the wedding. In the traditional American context, the bride’s family hosted the wedding. In such a case, the card will start off with the name of the bride’s parent’s names. Of course, now, we have blended families where two separate families host the wedding, or in some cases, the groom’s family hosts depending on the family’s culture. This is followed by the groom’s name. This is then followed by the bride’s name and then the dates and venue come thereafter with any other details. Dos and Don’ts Wedding invitation etiquette dict